Close-up of dark red suspended acoustic ceiling with matching grids

Acoustic ceilings

Our range of modular ceilings consists of acoustic ceiling systems installed as suspended ceilings or as acoustic ceiling tiles fixed directly to the soffit. They cover the entire (or close to) ceiling area and thus provide the largest possible area for acoustic treatment of a room. Having no sound reflections from above is the best way to mimic nature and a full coverage is the optimal solution.
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Suspended ceilings

Canteen with Ecophon Gedina acoustic ceiling system

Suspended ceiling systems

The suspended ceilings are available with exposed, partly visible or completely concealed grids and – in combination with a range of ceiling tile edges and colours – open up for various design effects. 

Grid systems for suspended ceilings

Our Connect™ grid ceiling system is made in galvanized steel and is available in several colours that complement our ceiling tiles. There are also two types of grid systems designed specifically for different levels of corrosive environments.

Connect™ Main Runner in different colours

Direct fixing

Installer gluing acoustic tile to the soffit

Attach sounds absorbers directly to the soffit or ceiling

Direct fixing is an installation method that attaches sound absorbers directly to the existing soffit or ceiling using screws or glue adhesive for a fast and easy acoustic upgrade. It is a great choice when your space requires acoustic improvement but is unable to accommodate a suspended ceiling or when you are limited by a low ceiling or existing elements such as ventilation, lighting or sprinkler system.

The choice of absorber and mounting method depends on the physical appearance and technical conditions of the room, as well as the acoustic effect you aim to achieve.

Installation of acoustic tile using screws

Mounting methods

Glued solutions

It is easy to apply glue onto the tiles which are then fixed directly to the existing ceiling or soffit. Connect Absorber Glue is quick and easy to handle and has a high initial staying power after you have pushed the tile into place.

Screwed solutions

Using Connect screws enables a secure direct installation with the possibility to demount the panels. Moreover, it provides a safe solution when the surface of the soffit is uneven. 

Special applications

Impact restitant suspended acoustic ceiling in sportshall

Impact resistant ceilings

Ecophon Super G™ offers solutions for environments where there is a need for extra robust sound absorption systems such as school corridors, sports halls and other environments where there is a risk of mechanical impact.

The range includes suspended wall-to-wall ceilings and direct fixing solutions with screws or glue adhesive for a quick and easy acoustic upgrade.

Sound insulation

To prevent sound spreading from one room to another, sound insulation solutions can be used. The general approach is to combine a sound insulating suspended ceiling with partitions. 

Suspended acoustic ceiling in modern office conference room
Suspended acoustic ceiling in classrom with children

Low frequency absorption

The Extra Bass system is specially developed for classrooms and other learning environments. The system effectively reduces low frequency sounds, such as mechanical ventilation, scraping chairs, closing doors, footsteps, voices and traffic noise.

Sound-absorbing solutions that meet hygiene demands

In hospitals and other healthcare facilities, a good sound environment is crucial for saving lives as well as rest and recovery. A common characteristic of these environments is that they all have specific hygiene demands. This could, for instance, be disinfection, water-resistance or dust-resistance. 

Suspended acoustic ceiling in hospital operating room



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