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Sounds like Ecophon magazine
What makes good design? No matter how you look at it, our acoustic products will provide you with the tools needed to realise your design.

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Ecophon Super G™ brochure
When conditions are tough


Ecophon Akusto™ brochure
Exploring acoustic wall solutions  


Ecophon Focus™ brochure
A universe of design flexibility


Ecophon Solo™ brochure
Experiencing freedom of expression


Ecophon Master™ brochure
Taking care of demanding acoustics


Ecophon Fade™ brochure
Good design without compromising acoustics


Ecophon Clipso™ brochure
It starts with fabric


Ecophon Education Guide
Making what's important heard


Impact of noise in education - A research summary

Explore the definitive evidence linking the impact acoustics and noise has in learning environments and students’ ability to learn.


Ecophon Akusto™ Wall C Extra Bass leaflet
Where speech quality matters most

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Solo Matrix Design guidance
With Solo Matrix you can create a structured design inspired by lines and patterns and still get a nice, free floating visual appearance.


Master Eg design guide
Download the Master Eg Design guidance to discover the full capacity of this design system with a floating appearance.

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Direct Fixing brochure
Add a new dimension to your design.

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Cleanability - General recommendations
Learn more about cleaning methods and which products
are best suited to your needs

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Express yourself with the touch of textile
Ecophon Solo™ Textile gives you more ways to express your style through the power of texture. Ecophon Solo Textile is the original acoustic cloud, covered in textile, once a first of its kind.


Healthcare magazine
Learn how noise affects the quality of care within healthcare facilities and what acoustic solutions that comply with the hygiene demands in different kinds of hospital environment.

Ecophon Hygiene™ - Sound-absorbing solutions for all hygiene demand
The extensive Ecophon Hygiene™ range offers sound-absorbing solutions for environments with specific hygiene demands such as disinfection, water-resistance or the need to withstand high-pressure washing.

Ecophon Hygiene Performance™ Care Wall
Hygiene Performance Care Wall is a wall absorber specifically designed for healthcare facilities, with an easily disinfected surface and total resistance to mould and bacteria.

Acoustics in pools brochure image

Acoustics in pools
Ecophon offer several acoustic solutions that live up to all the demands of swimming pool and shower areas. You can choose between and combine wall-to-wall ceilings, wall absorbers and free-hanging absorbers.

Ecophon Acoustic Calculator knowledge guide cover

Ecophon Acoustic Calculator - Accurate values in advance
With Ecophon Acoustic Calculatror you can get accurate acoustic values before measurements. Learn more about the calculator, activity based design and room acoustics in this comprehensive knowledge guide.

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Making room for knowledge with Ecophon acoustic solutions
There are many things to consider when designing a good place for education. This brochure covers everything from theoretical understanding to practical tips and product recommendations. 

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Better air, better you - Improve acoustics and indoor air quality with Ecophon

Learn about the importance of Indoor Air Quality, how it affects your health and what you can do to reduce the risk of a poor indoor air quality.

Making room for knowledge with Ecophon Master™ Rigid brochure cover

Making room for knowledge with Ecophon Master™ Rigid
Learn more about Ecophon Master™ Rigid, specially developed for classrooms, where good acoustics and speech intelligibility are vitally important.

Making room for knowledge Gedina + Extra Bass
Making room for knowledge with Ecophon Gedina™ + Extra Bass
Find information about Ecophon Gedina™ + Extra Bass, specially developed for classrooms, where good acoustics and speech intelligibility are vitally important. 

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Enhance the workplace
So, what do you need to consider when designing an office? Well, the first thing is that people will most likely perform a variety of activities in that office. Our solutions support the activity taking place and thus enhance people’s job satisfaction, job performance and overall wellbeing. (3,7 MB)

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Knowledge Guide: Sound absorption - free hanging units versus full ceiling
Learn what factors determine when to use free-hanging units and when to use full covering ceilings to obtain the best acoustic environment.


Acoustic Design - Knowledge Guide Wall Acoustics
A knowledge guide for acoustic design in wall panel applications. This guide is only available as a Pdf document. (400Kb)