Reduce noise in classrooms: Why good school acoustics matter
They built a classroom. But was it fit for purpose?
The classrooms in which children are taught have more demands upon them than ever before. They are places to learn, to play and to be inspired. But if the students cannot hear their teacher, or are distracted and stressed by unwanted noise, then their learning experience will suffer. It doesn’t need to be that way.
Why do classroom acoustics matter?
The positive effect of good acoustics, and the challenges that face teachers and students in reverberant, noisy classrooms have been extensively studied. Our recently revised infographic pulls out the key research findings, which reinforce what parents and teachers have long known, showing that a good acoustic environment supports high quality learning.
Classroom acoustic standards:
A number of regulations and guidance apply to acoustic standards, and projects to refurbish classrooms and teaching spaces that provide for children with special educational needs should take these into account. Within the UK the acoustic standards are set by Building Bulletin 93 (BB93) and similar standards are in development in the Republic of Ireland. Our free whitepaper breaks down the relevant legislation and key metrics - download it for free here >>
The solutions are simple:
Improving classroom acoustics need not be challenging or expensive. Adding a high quality acoustic ceiling, or free hanging panels, alongside acoustic wall panels will are proven to immediately reduce reverberation and reduce noise. Click here >>
To learn more about Ecophon’s solutions in this area, or download our new education brochure here >>
Take the next step:
We’re passionate about improving classroom acoustics. If you would like to discuss the acoustics in your school, or have a particular acoustic challenge, please contact us using the form below. Our advice is provided with no obligation, and we will never share your data.