Orlyonok Multi-Purpose Centre

Projekt: Orlyonok multi-purpose centre

Land/stad: Ryssland / Krasnodar regionen

Arkitekt: Lenmontazh

Fotograf: Olga Melekestseva

Produktionsår: 2017

In June 2017, the work with the new multi-functional centre at the children's camp Orlyonok was completed. It is now used for public events, concerts, movie screening and more. The total capacity is 1500 seats and the stage area is 890m2.

During the five years of construction (2012-2017) Ecophon was actively involved in the project, in parallel with the distributors, who worked actively on the site.

In the project, acoustic calculations were made by the famous St. Petersburg acoustician Valery Spravtsev. Based on these calculations, it was recommended that Ecophon Solo products should be installed in the whole dome. Later on, at the stage of final decision by the President's Affairs Department, acoustic properties were the key argument for choosing Ecophon products. 

Already on the first visit, the still unfinished hall left a very pleasant impression. In the huge dome space, the reverberation time did not exceed half a second. And after the completion of the construction, the multi-purpose centre has become a point of interest in the South of Russia; for its design, acoustics, size and its modern equipment. The client’s representatives highly appreciate the quality of the hall, sound and dome design.

Orlyonok är det största året-runt utbildningscentret i Ryssland.

Det rymmer ungdomar från 11 till 15 år.

Det ligger i ett av Rysslands vackraste områden längs Svarta havets stränder på Krasnodars territorium.

Centret rymmer upp till 3500 barn på sommaren och 1200 på vintern.