Radoša rosība
PIRMAIS, ko redzat, kad ienākat jaunajos Autodesk birojos Tel Avivā ir suns, kas mierīgi guļ pie ieejas uz pelēkās betona grīdas un raugās uz Jums. Darbiniekiem tiek ļauts ņemt uz darbu savus mīluļus, tādejādi radot mājīgu vidi birojā. AUTODESK IR globāls uzņēmums, kas attīsta 3D dizainus un programmatūras. Šinī uzņēmumā strādā vairāk par 7000 darbinieku birojos, kas izkaisīti pa visu pasauli. Šeit tiek izveidotas un attīstītas programmas, cloud pakalpojumi un lietojumprogrammas dažādām ražošanas industrijām ieskaitot arhitektūras, inženierzinātņu, būvniecības, ražošanas un mājas dizaina. Kompānijas produkti (piemēram, AutoCAD) tiek izmantoti daudzos augsta līmeņa projektos, no Ņujorkas Brīvības torņa līdz Panamas kanāla paplašināšanai. KĀ JAU PIENĀKAS UZŅĒMUMAM, kas attīsta 3D produktus, arī biroja izveidē tika izmantots trīs dimensiju produkti. Tā sienas tika dekorētas ar akustiskajiem produktiem, uz kuriem uzdrukātas 3D bildes. “Mūsu mērķis bija atspoguļot biroja dizainā mūsu produktus,” stāsta Shirli Zamir, projekta dizainers. “Mēs izmantojām plašu materiālu klāstu – koku, metālu un cementu – pozicionējot tos kārtās. Griestos ir redzamas trubas un elektrības vadi - tādejādi radot intriģējošu atmosfēru.” |
Autodesk biroji Izraēlā
"MŪSU MĒRĶIS”, stāsta arhitekts Michi Setter, “bija panākt perfektu līdzsvaru starp enerģētisku un radošu atmosfēru no vienas puses, un mierīgu darba telpu no otras. Šie divi koncepti izklausās pretrunīgi, viņš turpina, bet tāpēc mēs izmantojām trīsdimensionālus produktus.” ŠIS DIZAINS RADA IESPĒJU stcollaborative teamwork and open communication among various teams, and offers spaces suitable for working both alone and in groups. A buffer zone separates a public corridor from an open space. The buffer zone offers quiet work areas, informal collaboration areas and conference rooms – all of which serve as visual and acoustic barriers. “When you free people and let them move between rooms,” says Shirli Zamir, “you also free their minds.” THE RECEPTION DESK IS located on the first of four floors, together with a cafeteria (offering dozens of cereal choices and a variety of organic milk beverages). An entire floor is dedicated to the company’s 3D activity, with a few printers the size of a car. All floors enjoy a beautiful panoramic view of the city of Tel Aviv and the turquoise Mediterranean Sea. ORIGINALLY, CORPORATE headquarters in the United States proposed an open space for all co-workers, but the Israeli branch had different requirements. “We did not want open space,” says Jonathan Seroussi, site manager and head of the AutoCAD mobile team. Israelis are more dynamic and boisterous than their American counterparts, he explains. “We wanted to achieve a working space that allows for relevant communication, so you can’t hear everything that everyone says, only what you really want and need to hear.” Michi Setter says that when he visited India he saw hundreds of co-workers sitting together in a huge open space, yet not a single sound was heard; in Israel, he says, this would be impossible. THE OFFICE DESIGN won the 2015 Bronze A’Design Award in Italy and the 2015 Ot Haitzuv design award in Israel. Since Autodesk’s products promote sustainable design and manufacturing, it was only natural that great emphasis was placed on sustainable design. The office achieved the highest LEED rating – platinum – for commercial interiors. Recycled materials were used in construction, and the lights and air conditioning turn on when employees enter the rooms and turn off when they leave. EITAN TSARFATI, head of consumer and 3D printing at the company, says that although Autodesk is now a large, established global company, the Tel Aviv offices retain features from the younger, more rebellious start-up world. “We have colourful graffiti decorating the walls, for example,” he says, “which it is rare to see in corporate offices. |
Sound solutions
Text: Adi Schwartz
Photographer: Ahikam Seri