Sundibergas pētījums

Ecophon dalība unikālā pētījumā

Ecophon sadarbībā ar Stresa Pētījumu Institūtu Stokholmā veica unikālu pētījumu par to, kā skaņas ietekmē darbiniekus atvērta plānojuma birojos.

The set-up of the study featured a cross-over design, doubble control groups and took place in a real-life environment. More than 150 workers were part of the study.

Thanks to the unique design we achived a strong study proving that people are strongly affected by the sound environment in open-plan offices: 

Learn more and download the full  report


The Stress Research Institute
is a Swedish knowledge centre for stress, sleep and health at the Department of Social Science at Stokholm University.

The Institute specialises in research concerning stress, work and health, which is a leading research area at Stockholm University.