Close-up of acoustic plaster

Acoustic plaster

Our acoustic plaster system provides a seamless and invisible alternative to traditional wall-to-wall ceilings. It consists of an absorbent plaster that can be sprayed to virtually any surface in a wide range of spaces such as lobbies, atriums, historic buildings, restaurants and other large commercial spaces.
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Seamless acoustic ceilings

Seamless acoustics has never been easier

With our acoustic plaster solution Ecophon Fade™, it is quick and easy to transform a normal ceiling to one that significantly improves the room acoustics. Fade combines the flexible properties of plaster with the comfort of sound absorption, enabling you to create exquisite expressions or invisible installations on your ceilings without compromising acoustic comfort.


Colours and surface effects

Bespoke design ceilings

For some projects, plain colours are not enough. By using differently pigmented plaster layers, it is possible to create stunning effects such as rust and concrete.

Close-up of acoustic plaster with rust appearance


Easy installation & repair

Easy and quick installation process

Our system offers multiple installation methods, allowing you to choose the best fit for your needs. Whether you prefer direct fix, suspended, or installation to various substrates, our system adapts to your requirements.

Easy to spot repair damages

If done correctly, minor repairs and penetrating damages can be repaired and stains can be fixed with great results. Even larger damaged areas can be refurbished by sanding down the layers and reapplying new plaster.

Application of acoustic plaster to minor damage



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