Man looking up at suspended ceiling in the sky

Acoustic ceilings, baffles and wall panels by Ecophon

Great acoustics improves productivity and personal wellbeing. We offer a range of acoustic solutions to meet your specific needs. On this page you can learn more about our different types of acoustic products and where they are typically used. Discover all your options for bringing better sound to life with Ecophon.
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Suspended & direct fixing acoustic ceilings

Canteen with Ecophon Gedina acoustic ceiling system

Wall-to-wall acoustic ceiling systems - the ceiling solution for optimum room acoustics

Our range of modular ceilings consists of acoustic ceiling systems installed as suspended ceilings or as acoustic tiles fixed directly to the soffit. They cover the entire (or close to) ceiling area and thus provide the largest possible area for acoustic treatment of a room. Having no sound reflections from above is the best way to mimic nature and a full coverage is the optimal solution.

The suspended ceilings are available with exposed, partly visible or completely concealed grids and – in combination with a range of ceiling tile edges and colours – open up for various design effects. 

Grid systems for suspended ceilings

Our Connect™ grid ceiling system is made in galvanized steel and is available in several colours that complement our ceiling tiles. There are also two types of grid systems designed specifically for different levels of corrosive environments.

Connect™ Main Runner in different colours


Acoustic baffles & free-hanging panels

Acoustic baffles in open office landscape

When a wall-to-wall solution is not an option or needs improvement

Acoustic panels can also be used as free-hanging units in addition to a full-coverage solution in areas where many sound sources are present and where sound propagation needs to be controlled. It is possible also to create acoustic quiet zones. Hanging acoustic panels directly over work areas, receptions and information counters or other strategic points throughout the space, can significantly improve poor acoustic.


Acoustic wall panels & acoustic screens

Framed acoustic wall panels in classrom

The perfect compliment to an acoustic ceiling for best room acoustics

Our range of wall panel systems are available as framed solutions that also can be used for larger installations such as entire wall sections. The Connect™ profiles and accessories enable the wall absorbers to be mounted in many different ways and with a perfect fit. You can divide the panel into smaller fields to create different patterns, mount it floor to ceiling, vertically, horizontally or as single point installations.



Integrated ceiling lighting

Integrated lighting solutions for your acoustic ceiling

Our range of integrated lighting solutions features different shapes and louvre designed specifically for different environments. All of our solutions have a slim design for a low installation height and are available in on/off and dimmable versions.


Find the optimum acoustic solution

Get it in your favourite colours

An acoustic ceiling can affect the entire look and feel of a room. Ecophon has developed different types of surfaces and in different colours to suit most types of environments. The Connect™ range of grids, profiles and accessories also exist in a wide range of colours to complement our ceiling and wall panel solutions. Also when it comes to acoustic quality – all colours are equally good.

Acoustic tiles and ceiling grid in different blue colours

How to create a good sound environment

When designing good room acoustics, you need to go through the process of identifying the activities that are to take place, the people who are performing the activities and what type of space it is. This will lead to a designated acoustic solution. We call that Activity Based Acoustic Design.