Ecophon Connect™ accessories

To compliment the whole ceiling system, Connect™ offers a number of accessories for a variety of different needs:


Connect Clips
Connect Clips

A wide range of clips caters for many application areas, including for example areas that require high pressure cleaning like for example kitchens or food processing industries.

Connectors and splines

Connect Thinline Corner installed on Akusto Wall

Connect connectors is a range of products that is used to join profiles in corners. They are used for both wall panels and free-hanging units. Connect splines are used for levelling tiles in installations where no cross tees are used, e.g. our edge F products.

Fixing devices

Connect Absorber Anchor
Installation of Connect Absorber Anchor

It is essential to select a fixing that can withstand the loadings involved and ensure that the fixing is correct for the structure. Considerations must also be given to the corrosion resistance requirements. You can choose between a comprehensive screw selection for suspended ceilings, or as an alternative we also offer an adhesive, Connect Absorber glue. 

Suspensions and brackets

Connect Absorber Anchor with bracket
Connect suspension installed on Solo free hanging acoustic panel

We offer a wide range of suspension solutions such as adjustable wire hangers in different designs, wire hangers for free hanging units, direct fixing brackets etc. Always consider the additional live loads (including a good safety margin) when selecting suspension.

Other accessories

This includes a wide variety of products, for example edge tools, inspection hatches, sealing tapes, ventilation grills, edge sealants etc.

Access details

Access details

Screws, profiles and other accessories for Ecophon Access™ gives you a complete corridor solution.

Installation videos

Connect™ Bridging (new headline)

Connect Bridging is a simple solution for integration of lighting products, signs, smoke detectors etc. With this solution there will be no deflection of the tiles.

Connect Bridging clip
Connect Bridging solution

The solution consists of Connect Bridging profile and Connect Bridging clip (left image). The weight of the installation will be transferred to the grid, and there will be no load on the tile. The profiles and clips are easy to mount between any of the T-profiles in a Connect grid system and can take loads up to 30 N (3kg).

Connect Bridging is adjustable to fit integrations with different dimensions. The profile is manufactured from galvanized steel and the clip from stainless steel.

The many benefits of using Connect Bridging include:

  • Easy to mount
  • No loads on the tile
  • Can take loads up to 30 N
  • Adjustable to fit many integrations
  • Unique patented solution

 Examples of different Connect Bridging solutions:

Connect Bridging solution
Connect Bridging solution
Connect Bridging solution

Declaration of Performance - DoP

File nameFile size
Connect T35 Grid systemConnect T35 Grid system

Connect T35 Grid system

1.09 MB

1.09 MB

Ecophon IndustryEcophon Industry

Ecophon Industry

500.54 KB

500.54 KB
