Maintenance guide

The Ecophon Maintenance guide is a web-based tool for generating maintenance instructions for Ecophon ceiling- and wall panel systems, tailored for the specific project.

When using the Ecophon Maintenace guide, an Ecophon specific document (pdf) is generated containing information on how to ensure the right treatment of the ceiling throughout its lifetime.  

To download a personalized maintenance guide, please fill in this form (optional).

Choose products


How does it work?

  • Please fill in the information of your company, name of the project, a description and any additional information you’d like to add (e. g. floor, room, fittings etc.). 
  • Select what products that are included in your project (at least one product must be selected in the list).
  • Click the button “Generate PDF”. A pdf-document will now be compiled for you to print or download. 

Note: No information will be saved by Ecophon. If the form is closed, you will lose any typed information. Your details will not be distributed or shared with third parties.