Introducing the Ecophon Sustainability Report

In the Ecophon Sustainability Report released in 2023, stakeholders can see how far we have progressed towards our guiding star as an organisation, Net Zero by 2050. Here you can read the progress made towards our intermediary goals for 2030, as well as other steps we have taken as a company in our transition towards a circular business model.

Reducing our impacts first

Central to our progress towards becoming a more sustainable manufacturer has been to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. So we are proud to report that we have already far exceeded our Scope 1 and 2 emissions goal for 2030*, having achieved a 60% reduction across all our production sites (compared with 2017).

Another key transition from a linear to a circular economy is the phasing out fossil fuels. And here we have also reported great strides. 78% of the energy we use to manufacture our products now comes from renewable energy sources.

Dealing with the end of a product’s life is a central challenge for the building industry. Providing the means for our customers to deal with their waste has been a major step towards closing the loop and minimising our impacts. So we are extremely excited to report that our award-winning recycling service SoundCircularity now empowers our customers to deal responsibly with their on-site waste and convert it back into building materials in five of our key markets: Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany and France (with the remainder to follow by 2025).

How did we get here?

The Ecophon Sustainability Report emphasises that our work towards Net Zero by 2050 has been focused around three pillars that form the core of our sustainability strategy.

The first pillar is to integrate sustainable Innovation and Circularity into every level of our business, minimising our environmental footprint as much as possible. In the report you can learn about how our recycling service SoundCircularity works, and the research projects we are engaged in to reduce our impacts.

The second pillar is Transparency. We are in an ongoing process of measuring the impacts that our products have on indoor and outdoor environments, and to make them freely available for our customers. Essential information on our products’ impacts are available not only in this report but also in our Download Centre.

The third pillar is our Stakeholders. We have worked hard to become a leader in sustainability and create a company that contributes to the United Nations’ Global Sustainable Development Goals in the quantifiable ways explained in the report. This should give our stakeholders a sense of pride when working with us.

Great acoustics don’t have to cost the earth

Read more about our strategy, goals and progress in the Ecophon Sustainability Report.


Text: Douglas MacCutcheon, PhD. Global Concept Developer for Sustainable Acoustic Environments


*2030 goal: to reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 33%.