Saint-Gobain Indec

Enhanced acoustics in open-plan offices

Project: Saint-Gobain Indec

Segment: Office

Country/city: India, Mumbai

Architect: Jasfo Design Pvt Ltd

Production year: 2024

Saint-Gobain Indec is an International IT Delivery Centre of SG in India. Their open-office in Mumbai was recently acoustically treated by Ecophon.

We installed our Ecophon Solo™ Square product in their 6th & 7th Floor office.

Acoustic consultants- Shilpa Vardharajan and Eshan Dhoke from Sonosphere LLP were involved in this project to carry out the acoustic measurements.

This office acoustics case-study highlights the acoustic problems in an open-office & how Class A sound absorption panels help in achieving a sound class environment.

The testimonials of the employees itself shows that the communication has become smooth now and there is a considerable reduction in the background noise.