Close-up of a white plastic bag filled with used acoustic glasswool panels

Recycling service



Effective material recycling that’s easy to understand and manage is a must for everyone working towards net-zero acoustics. SoundCircularity™ Recycling service makes it easy for customers to do the right thing with recyclable acoustic panels and off-cuts.

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Bag it, flag it, forget it

If our recycling service is available in your area, simply bag your recyclable panels and off-cuts, phone or email for a pick-up, and leave the rest to us. It’s as simple as that – and we’ll even provide a certificate proving your commitment to green buildings and net-zero acoustics.

Full circular service

The steps of the service are comprehensive and flexible, allowing easy integration of the recycling service in all your projects. Ecophon provides service-unique bags, in which the material is collected and generates clean, safe, and time-efficient workplaces. This gives you the opportunity to easily reach your circular goals effectively.

Full circular service

The steps of the service are comprehensive and flexible, allowing easy integration of the recycling service in all your projects. Ecophon provides service-unique bags, in which the material is collected and generates clean, safe, and time-efficient workplaces. This gives you the opportunity to easily reach your circular goals effectively.

Proven climate savings

The climate savings are reflected in the reduced amount of CO2 in kilograms that the project contributed with. For some countries, a certificate is issued as proof of the amount of material that has been recycled. The certificate can be issued as project-specifically or over a period for your business or organisation.

A man standing on scaffolding in an unfinished room demounting acoustic panels for recycling.





Information leaflet


Installation guide


Quick guide installer

Close-up of glasswool and acoustic panels and a recycling logotype in the bottom left hand corner

Availability and local adaptions

SoundCircularity Recycling service has already been launched in Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany, France, Netherlands and Switzerland, and should be available in all key markets by 2025.

Due to local regulations and to minimise transport, the recycling service might differ slightly from market to market.

Want to know more about our recycling service? Get in touch.

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