There are many areas within a hospital that require both acoustic and hygienic considerations, such as operating suites, intensive care and emergency rooms. Hygiene is key in these areas to avoid any contamination.

The environment in specialist areas can be quite stressful for both patients and staff. Staff needs to take decisions quickly, increasing the need for good communication. Noise from equipment not only disturbs patients; it also makes the staff’s job more demanding and leads to an increase in stress.

Acoustic challenge

Included healthcare spaces

  • Operation suites
  • Radiology
  • Delivery rooms
  • Neonatal units
  • Infectious/Asceptic suites
  • Chemotherapy/Major burns/Skin grafts
  • Emergency rooms
  • Intensive care units
  • Efficiently reducing the disturbance from equipment.
  • Decreasing the high sound levels.
  • Improving communication between staff.
  • Improving post treatment sleep.

Hygiene challenge

  • Type of stain: Dust, body fluids and microbes.
  • Cleaning frequency: Frequent or daily.
  • Type of cleaning: Dry cleaning, wet wiping, disinfection and steaming.
  • Other: High air quality demand.


  • Use a sound absorbing ceiling with suitable hygienic properties.
  • Apply wall absorbers to further reduce noise and improve speech clarity.

Recommended products for critical and specialist areas

For best results, we recommend combining solutions from the list below. Please visit the corresponding product page specified in the table to identify what solution best fit your needs. 

Ceiling solutions Free-hanging units Wall solutions
Hygiene Advance A  - Hygiene Performance Care Wall

Hygiene Protec A

Hygiene Protec Air A

Hygiene Performance Plus A