Boy reading a book at school desk in room with plants growing on the walls

Making what's

Ecophon believes in the power of education to literally transform the world. We believe equally strongly that preventing disruptive, unnecessary noise in learning environments is fundamental to that idea. That no ambition should be compromised by a misunderstood sentence, no potential held back by background noise. In education, what’s important to any of us should be important to all of us. Make sure it’s heard with Ecophon.
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Free the full potential of education

Imagine we could increase student test scores. Or improve their collaboration skills and confidence to speak up. Or speed up their ability to perform complex tasks. All these improvements have been proven possible, simply by optimizing the acoustics in the learning environment.


Education’s noise problem

Noise distraction in our learning environments limits us in ways we have undervalued for too long. The “Impact of noise in education” study has quantified many of the negative effects – and solutions to addressing them.


Hear it for yourself

Experience is the best teacher. Hear for yourself what a classroom with and without sound absorption sounds like in our immersive sound simulation. 


Read the report

Improve sound in schools

Poor acoustics in schools disrupts children’s learning and causes stress. The most vulnerable children suffer the most. If not dealt with, high noise levels in schools leads to rising inequality between children, loss of learning and health consequences.


A fairer start

  • Noise affects vulnerable students the most
  • Test scores from learners with additional needs plummet when environments become noisy
  • In every classroom, there is likely to be a number of learners special education needs (SEN)
  • Noise and reverberation recommendations for SEN students also apply to all students – designing for the most vulnerable benefits everyone

5 ways to improve sound in schools

  • Make students the scientists: Help their own discovery of the importance of sound 
  • Encourage respectful interaction: Lower student-initiated noise
  • Measure, measure, measure: Use regular acoustic measurement to improve
  • Prioritize quality: Choose “class A” acoustic materials
  • Build back equal: Design classrooms for equal opportunity learning

Acoustic solutions and products for schools

All Ecophon solutions start from the understanding that we do better in sound environments that mimic the outdoors. For educational settings, our goal is to replicate outdoor acoustic characteristics indoors so that ambient noise is controlled sufficiently for optimal speech clarity.

Smart sound design

No two learning spaces are exactly alike, and require different approaches depending on the room, how it will be used and the needs of the people using it. We call that assessment Activity Based Acoustic Design – an Ecophon exclusive system.

Click on the different spaces below to learn more about the specific acoustic challenges and solutions. For more inspiration and help with solutions, have a look at our Acoustics solutions section.

Teacher and students in classroom with wall absorbers

Akusto Wall C Extra Bass

New, unique wall panel system developed for learning environments

Ecophon Akusto™ Wall C Extra Bass is a class A wall absorber system specially developed for classrooms and other learning environments. What makes it unique is that it effectively reduces low frequency sounds. These sounds include mechanical ventilation, scraping chairs, closing doors, footsteps, voices and traffic noise.

Features & benefits

  • Unique class A low frequency sound absorption for classrooms and other learning environments
  • Available in many colour options
  • Choose from surfaces in Texona & Akutex FT
Close-up of acoustic wall panel with profile

Super G Plus A

When only the toughest acoustic ceiling will do

High demands regarding impact resistance do not have to mean a poor sound environment. Ecophon Super G™ offers everything you need to enjoy better acoustics in sports halls, gyms and other environments. 

Ecophon Super G™ Plus A is developed for environments where maximum impact resistance is needed. The system has a robust grid system consisting of recessed profiles that is 1A classified for high mechanical impact. 

More products

Discover all our solutions for optimizing learning environment acoustics to improve teaching, learning and well-being.

Improving now for a better tomorrow

Empowering our future begins with protecting it. That’s why sustainability has to be one of the core principles of quality education – if taught, shared and applied collectively, it will benefit us all. Good acoustics have a natural place in that effort, and setting the right example in educational settings is a good investment that pays dividends today, while contributing to a more healthful tomorrow.

If we’re going to build a sustainable future, it has to start with an honest approach, high ambition and the best of intentions. Read more about transparency and the Ecophon commitment to sustainability.

Get inspired

Get an education

A great education starts with great resources. Learn more about the importance of optimising acoustics in educational environments, and our experts’ advice for achieving it in every learning space, in our free Ecophon Education Guide. Download your copy today.


Examples of our contributions to the acoustic optimisation of educational spaces can inspire your own planning and design. Explore the latest cases from around the world.

Contact us to learn more about our acoustic solutions for Education

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