A modern office lobby with the Deloitte logo on the wall behind a curved reception desk. The floor is covered with light wooden planks, and the ceiling features hanging light-brown acoustic baffles and curved lighting fixtures. To the left, there is a seating area with a couch and two chairs around a low table. Large windows allow natural light to fill the space, creating a welcoming atmosphere. ;

Deloitte Bratislava office

Project: Deloitte Bratislava office

Segment: Office

Country/city: Slovakia, Bratislava

Architect: iO Partners s.ro., Architect Martin Nagy

Ceiling installer: Arakis s.r.o.

Photographer: Roman Skyba

Production year: 2024

New sustainable and quiet Deloitte branch in Slovakia

In selecting their new headquarters in Slovakia, Deloitte placed a strong emphasis on sustainability and user comfort. Contributing to this achievement were our versatile design acoustics solutions, including Ecophon Solo™ Baffle, Ecophon Solo™ Circle, and Ecophon Solo™ Rectangle acoustic panels.

These acoustics solutions ensured sound comfort, even in shared spaces such as open-plan offices, meeting rooms, kitchens, and reception areas. The result is not only immediately noticeable in terms of sound quality but also offers a unique design experience.

Three main criteria were crucial for Deloitte in their location selection:

  1. Location: Easily accessible by various modes of transportation and situated close to clients.
  2. Sustainability: Incorporating "smart" solutions aimed at utilising spaces considerately and efficiently. This included recycling and reusing nearly 80% of the original furniture.
  3. Employee and client experience: Providing a healthy, pleasant, and flexible environment that enables efficient work, offers space for collaboration, and allows for informal meetings.