Tiia Huuskonen

Huuskonen 26 (002).jpgI first joined Ecophon to work with sustainability, not knowing much about acoustics. But the more I learned about it, the more it made sense! I became aware of how sound affects our experience of indoor spaces and noticed how a soft sound environment makes me feel calmer, while a noisy space can be tiring. Thus, I was very happy when I got the opportunity to continue my journey with Ecophon as a Concept Developer, to work with sustainable and healthy indoor environments.


My work includes educating different stakeholders about the studied effects that sound environment has on our health, wellbeing and productivity. It is also always interesting to discuss with the end users and learn more about the needs they have, and how they experience their spaces. I work a lot with healthcare facilities, that have especially rigorous requirements for acoustic tiles, but the more need of a good sound environment as both patients and staff need a non-stressful environment that allows rest, concentration and good communication.


I became aware of how sound affects our experience of indoor spaces and noticed how a soft sound environment makes me feel calmer, while a noisy space can be tiring.

Tiia Huuskonen

Coming back to sustainability, acoustics is definitely a part of our carbon neutral future. Functional acoustics support the efficient use of a building as well as support our health and well-being. And a building that is well liked is probably going to be well used for a long time.