A large cinema with rows of upholstered chairs and a big screen with blue curtains on the sides. Acoustic baffles are installed in the ceiling. The walls are blue and the carpet has a matching blue and beige pattern. ;

Cinema Lumière

Project: Cinema Lumière

Segment: Additional areas, Cinema

Country/city: Slovakia, Bratislava

Architect: DARK BLUE studio s.r.o., architects Zuzana Čižmárová and Peter Štrpka.

Photographer: Roman Skyba

Production year: 2024

Cinema Lumière reopens after complete renovation with improved acoustics

Ecophon was part of the comprehensive renovation of Bratislava's art cinema, Lumière, which recently underwent a complete interior makeover. The theater walls received new cladding, seats were refurbished, and new screens and curtains were installed. The renovation also included the replacement of three digital projectors, enabling each hall to screen films with electronic subtitles.

Additionally, new electrical wiring and an advanced HVAC system with individual air conditioning units in each auditorium have been installed to ensure better air circulation. The black Ecophon Solo™ Baffle acoustic panels significantly enhanced the spatial acoustics in the theaters, ensuring that every viewer, regardless of seating location, enjoys the same superior acoustic experience. In the corridors, Ecophon Solo™ Rectangle panels were installed.

Architectural design and genius loci

The renovation project was designed by the architectural studio Dark Blue, led by architects Zuzana Čižmárová and Peter Štrpka. Their primary challenge was to harmonise the latest technological and technical solutions with the soul of this legendary cinema and its unique genius loci. They succeeded brilliantly, and we are proud to have been part of this project.

More than just a cinema

Cinema Lumière is more than just a cinema; it is a unique space combining an art house theater with a gallery. Peter Petrasko, Key segment developer from Ecophon Slovakia expressed his satisfaction with the outcome, stating:

“I am thrilled with the final result of this project. The combination of visual and auditory elements creates an immersive experience that truly stands out.”

The interior acoustics have been meticulously designed to enhance the cinematic experience, ensuring that every sound is crisp and clear, adding depth to the already rich visual display.