Ängsdals school
Project: Ängsdals school
Segment: Education
Country/city: Sweden, Malmö
Arcitect: Stadstudio Simittchiev Arkitektur & Design AB
Installer: BJ Montage Bromölla
Photographer: Teddy Strandqvist, Studio e
Project size: 5,000 m2
Production year: 2020
Ängsdals school is situated near the Öresund Bridge and is one of the first buildings visible when entering Sweden from Denmark. The school spans three levels and features a unique design with various corners and edges. Due to its proximity to a busy road, it has high noise requirements. The school also boasts roof terraces with open spaces and corridors leading to special rooms such as craft and exercise rooms. It has a capacity for 300 pupils.
The primary goal was to create an environment conducive to learning. Classrooms are positioned around the perimeter of the school, with a central vertical core surrounded by various meeting places for student development and free activities. The school lacks traditional corridors, and many rooms have unique layouts with large windows.
On the ground floor, there is an open dining area combined with socialising spaces. Despite the acoustic challenges, the solution works well due to the moderate ceiling height. The school also includes a sports hall and various specialist rooms.