Monika Sadłowska

Monika_Sadlowska.jpgIt is unbelievable how little awareness there is about interior acoustics, not only among ordinary people but also among professionals. I studied civil engineering at Warsaw University of Technology, and throughout my studies, acoustics was mentioned for only a few hours in the Building Physics course. Talking to architects now, it turns out that this topic is equally rarely addressed in architectural studies. Yet, acoustics affect the comfort of each of us, especially since we spend so much time in buildings today.

Since I started working at Ecophon, I have been fascinated by the subject of acoustics and how quickly people can become interested in it. Everyone who hears the words “noise” and “acoustics” admits that these are important issues. We must, therefore, talk about this loudly and often! I am glad that now, in my role as Concept Developer in Poland, I can pursue this mission professionally.


Since I started working at Ecophon, I have been fascinated by the subject of acoustics and how quickly people can become interested in it. Everyone who hears the words “noise” and “acoustics” admits that these are important issues.

Monika Sadłowska

The healthcare sector is one of the areas where there is the most to be done regarding acoustics, and at the same time, it is one of the most important. Patients should recover in an environment that does not cause additional stress and fatigue. Medical staff, who work under demanding conditions, deserve support in the form of an appropriate sound environment.

Since I started working at Ecophon, my mission has been to spread awareness about acoustics. I believe that thanks to our efforts, this awareness is growing every day.