Mød eksperterne

Vi er eksperter, der ønsker at dele artikler, forskning og casestudier vedrørende rumakustisk design, kommunikation og sundhedsproblemer inden for det indendørs akustiske miljø, som kan være værdifuld for dig som arkitekt, facilitetschef og andre med interesse for rumakustik, og hvordan det påvirker folk, der bruger rummene.

Vi ønsker at udveksle viden og være en inspiration til at understøtte skabelsen af et akustisk miljø, der optimerer folks aktiviteter i arbejdslivs-, lærings- og helbredende miljøer.

Andrea Harman

Prior to my work at Ecophon I had not really considered acoustics as a conscious part of room design. I knew that places appeared noisy or quiet and that some spaces were easier for my hearing impaired father to communicate in than others.

Bianca Scherpenhuyzen

At the age of 26 I experienced real silence for the first time. I lived on an island and a hurricane was expected. When we had made all the preparations I was sitting outside waiting and suddenly everything went quiet. No animal noises, no rustling of the leaves, no wind, absolute silence.

Cees van Wezel

Starting out as a student I chose to study psychology to learn what makes us tick. During my career I started looking for a way to apply psychology to create a more sustainable living environment. I ended up studying Environmental Psychology because I want to improve healthcare facilities in the long run.

Claudia Pigoretti

I'm one of those people who likes to interact with the other. To hear it. To exchange experiences, to listen to opinions. I like people! Starting from this premise, I realize that hearing is the direction I use the most.

Douglas MacCutcheon

A lifetime fascination with sound brought me to Ecophon. Beginning with a long period of formal musical training in piano and violin and working later in school and tertiary education as a researcher and teacher, I became interested in how learners hear and process sounds.

Halvor Berg

Since I was six years old, I have had a huge interest in sound. I started playing the guitar and singing at the age of six. I have listened to music, recorded songs, played concerts and there is no feeling like being there – being the music – being sound.

Harshal Kolwankar

I call myself blessed to be part of Ecophon, where I can bring about a change in the way education is imparted and received in India. But there are scores of students all over the world who suffer due to poor acoustic conditions in schools.

Holger Brokmann

Being able to work in the field of applied science, I was able to experience the great impact of room acoustics and the various ways of acoustical treatments. This helps me understand the personal acoustical needs and enables me to develop the right concept based on scientific evidence.

Ida Cederlund

When we think about senses, our thoughts usually go first to the sense of taste, where my focus has been until today. When I stepped into Ecophon for the first time, I also "opened my ears". I began to react both to how I perceived what I wanted to hear, but above all to what I no longer heard.

Juan Negreira

My parents, not long ago, informed me that both them and me started experiencing the power of sound in the very early stages of my life. Whom before-sound was an untameable, hyperactive little boy, turned into a much mellower kid after music and violin came into my life, aged 8.

Magda Szubert

I have a dream that people who create indoor environments of dwellings, schools and offices – places where we spent most of our time - have in mind that they design these buildings also for people. I wish they would create them as if they were to be occupied by themselves.

Maria Quinn

As a former cardiac nurse I often found myself in the scenario of vital signs dropping, staff running to help, a seemingly chaotic situation - loud and intense! That's why I think it is important to spread the knowledge of planning, constructing and designing really good work places in hospitals and other healthcare settings.

Mikolaj Jarosz

I remember my first day in primary school. A few faded images and two fresh non-visual impressions: a pleasant turpentine smell of floor polish and overwhelming noise. Noise so intensive that it was a shock even for an experienced pre-school veteran.

Paige Hodsman

I regularly engage with high-profile organisations to help them develop in-house acoustic guidelines, strategies and practical office acoustic solutions. I use psychoacoustic tools to help organisations plan for robust acoustic solutions in the early phases of a project.

Pauli Pallaskorpi

I'm still enjoying the feeling that I'm doing an important work; nowadays “teaching” adults and helping them to design better indoor environments in terms of good sound.

Rainer Machner

The reason to decide about my study of hearing technology and audiology was to learn something which is effecting me personally on a daily base and to change something for others.

Shane Cryer

I love buildings, especially historic buildings. I studied civil engineering and architecture at college, and building and property surveying at university. However, it wasn’t until I joined Ecophon that I was educated on the impact that design has on sound and our ability to learn.

Sylvain Coudret

After graduating as a Civil Engineer, I started my career at Saint-Gobain as Product Development Engineer, in the field of acoustic correction. Developing innovative solutions to meet the latest market requirements has allowed me to impact the well-being of our customers.